John Atkins
CEO / Founder
John began designing and coding websites in 1998 when he was hired as a “Internet Guru” by a local web company. After only a few years he went on to work for a traditional marketing agency building and managing enterprise computer systems, designing and developing websites while holding a senior position as a web designer/ developer. For much of his career, he worked duel roles as both a technical director and marketing director for an award winning resort, and has collaborated on many projects with many fortune 500 companies. Early in his career, he lead a marketing team of 10 talented individuals to market and promote an award winning resort to clients in the US, Caribbean, UK and Germany. With an annual budget of 5 million his team went on to win 7 international awards for the marketing and promotion of the various resorts.
In 2008 John created a digital marketing agency that was built on open and transparent communication with clients. Over the past 10 years John and his team have worked with a wide variety of business sectors, including: Engineering & Architecture, Retail, Health Care, Research and Development, Oil and Gas, Travel & Tourism, Destination & Resort Marketing, and Product Design & Development. Over the past number of years JAC has won 45+ international awards for the work completed for its clients. JAC is proud of the success but contributes its overall success to its approach to customer service and client relations. When a client works with JAC, they come on board as a partner. JAC’s clients have the opportunity to voice their opinions and work with the JAC team to help create a product that best serves their organization, their audiences, and their objectives. JAC values and encourages input. John and his team find ways to incorporate client thinking without demanding much of their time.
At the end of the day, John and his team love to create amazing products and provide solutions that help with the growth and success of the clients they work with.